Poster presentation guidelines
Poster board presentation
Faculty of Humanities of the University of Szczecin (Krakowska Str. 71-79, Szczecin, Poland) on:
- 14-15th September 2023 (Thursday, Friday), at 2:05-3:05 p.m. (14:05-15:05)
- and 16th September 2023 (Saturday), at 11:35 a.m.-0:35 p.m. (11:35-12:35).
Authors will be asked to place their works in places designated by the Organizers by 9:00 a.m. on the indicated day (when the relevant session takes place), and then take them off after the end of the poster session. Followed be established schedule for set-up and tear-down times.
PLEASE NOTE: Presenters are encouraged to be present, but presenters applicable to the Mozolowski Award must be present during the listed poster viewing time (Poster Session)
General information
Your poster should be self-explanatory. Poster presenters are free to supplement and discuss particular points raised by viewers. The poster session offers the perfect opportunity for informal discussion, but this becomes difficult if you are obliged to devote your time to explaining your poster. Projection equipment, videotape recorders or any other audiovisual equipment will NOT be available in the poster session area.
Posters parameters
Authors will be asked to place their works in places designated by the Organizers by 9:00 a.m. on the indicated days, and then take them off after the end of the poster session.
Posters should be B1 size (700 x 1000 mm), and designed in portrait orientation.
All posters should be prepared in English.
Please ensure your poster title and authors/affiliations are clearly visible at the top of your poster, with the presenting author’s name underlined.
We recommend that font sizes used on posters are clearly visible from 3m away.
The poster layout is at the discretion of the presenter.
Poster session presenting authors and titles
Poster session 1, Thursday 14 September:
Poster session 2, Friday 15 September:
Poster session 3, Saturday 16 September:
Honorary and Scientific Patronages

Media Partner

Project entitled: 5th Congress BIO2023 - Szczecin co-financed from the State budget under the program of the Minister of Education and Science under the name "Excellent Science" project number: DNK/SN/546993/2022. Amount of financing PLN 100,000, total project value PLN 458,300
Task description: the main aim of the planned conference is to present the latest notions and original sudies in the field of Life Sciences (biochemistry, cell biology, biophysics, biology molecular, biotechnology and (bio)medicine).