Main Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Honorary and Scientific Patronages
Media Partner
Project entitled: 5th Congress BIO2023 - Szczecin co-financed from the State budget under the program of the Minister of Education and Science under the name "Excellent Science" project number: DNK/SN/546993/2022. Amount of financing PLN 100,000, total project value PLN 458,300
Task description: the main aim of the planned conference is to present the latest notions and original sudies in the field of Life Sciences (biochemistry, cell biology, biophysics, biology molecular, biotechnology and (bio)medicine).
Exhibition Secretariat
As Congress Organizers we have a great pleasure to invite you to exhibit at the 4th BIO Congress, held in Szczecin, Poland on June 13-16, 2023. Take this opportunity to participate by showcasing your company products and services. We hope that you will join us at the congress and are looking forward to meeting you in Szczecin.
In order to assist you in preparing for this Exhibition, we have designed the Invitation to Sponsorship and Exhibition to simplify your arrangements. Should you wish to express your interest in exhibiting at this event or for more information please and contact us:
- Magdalena Klim, tel.: +48 668 121 451, e-mail: bio2023-wystawa@mazurkas.com.pl
Professional Congress Organizer
Mazurkas Congress Management
Al. Wojska Polskiego 27
01-515 Warsaw, Poland
tel.: +48 668 121 451
e-mail: bio2023-wystawa@mazurkas.com.pl